Durante el curso 2019/2020 comenzamos nuestra andadura y nuestro centro sigue disfrutando de dos proyectos ERASMUS+ KA101 y KA201.
Estos proyectos tienen como objetivo internacionalizar la educación a través de la observación del trabajo de otros docentes en centros educativos europeos, así como el intercambio de experiencias educativas.
Apostamos por la internacionalización de nuestro centro a través del Programa Erasmus +, modelo de aprendizaje colaborativo en línea que pretende promover un modelo europeo de sociedad multicultural y multilingüe, mediante hermanamientos de centros escolares y el desarrollo de proyectos de colaboración a través de Internet.

Proyecto «Complexus» , Erasmus + KA229.
The project is aimed at promoting the sense of belonging to the local, national and European community.
The action aims to strengthen knowledge and awareness, in the generation of «European natives», of the idea of European citizenship understood as «union in diversity» and to promote in the participants the sense of belonging to a community, in whose social life they can contribute actively and competently according to the rules of democracy.
Students experiment themselves as active citizens in relation to the territorial community, whether it is a municipality, a state or a federation of countries.
The promotion of skills is based on the use of the action as an active learning tool that stimulates creativity. Pupils will become «promoters» of concrete actions of participation in public life to:
· Learn the mechanisms of democratic representation
· Know the values that allow participation in social life
· Take an active part in the life of the community

Proyecto de Secundaria. Cit’Art Erasmus + KA201
Le projet CIT’ART est un projet ERASMUS + entre des établissements scolaires et communes de la France, l’Espagne et l’Italie qui souhaite impulser une dynamique citoyenne dans les milieux ruraux grâce à l’art et au théâtre.
L’idée: utiliser l’art et le théâtre comme des outils au service de l’engagement citoyens des nouvelles générations!
A partir de la pièce « Paroles & Cailloux » qui propose des pistes de réflexion sur les notions de gouvernance, de pouvoir, de citoyenneté à partir du mythe d’Antigone, les élèves participants seront amenés à élaborer des projets variés autour de ces thématiques (débats citoyens, mini documentaires …).
Plusieurs échanges entre les élèves des différents pays sont prévus afin de réfléchir ensemble à l’idée d’une citoyenneté à plusieurs échelles, régionale, nationale et européenne.

Proyecto de Secundaria, My Water of Life. Erasmus +
Water that triggered the life in the world is rapidly polluting due to consumption habits in the modern world. Nowadays, while the consumption of water is increasing, accessing clean waters for individuals is becoming harder. However accessing clean water is should be a part of human rights, but millions of people cannot reach potable water, potable water in the world is 3% of all water in the world, and therefore dying. (Kılıç and Karataş: 2018). Global warming and climate change are dragging the world to an uncertain future, threatening even water-rich countries. For this reason, water literacy is extremely important for conservation and saving of water, which is a vital resource for life. With this project, students will learn by observing the behavior of water in their daily lives, by experiencing how it gets dirty and how it should be protected. The spread of water literacy among students (Dinç, 2018) will contribute significantly to the protection of the ecological system.
Inauguramos este blog con toda la ilusión aprovechando la nueva andadura de dos proyectos que iremos completando conjuntamente: